segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2018

Sanctioned Companies

The mission is to use this gold to convince the Theramir tribe to fight their neighbors, the Buramir. They have been sacking imperial villages at Yaros, the empire's west region. You may find some groups of bandits along the way. Perhaps a couple of mercenary bands hired by the locals, they might or might not be a problem. Our messenger also says that the Theramir have been worried about a prophecy involving their neighbors "screaming for the blood of the unfair flying men", please check this out. The seer seems to have become insane after wards.
-Vladus, castellan of the sanctioned company Vanguard of the Braves, currently traveling towards the no man's lands between the empire and Kavaja.
A way for the Northern Empire to deal with adventurers and the problems they bring. Adventurers always were an important and unofficial part of the northern territorial expansion. But they also threatened the status quo in more developed areas, bringing social unrest. Registering an adventuring band as a sanctioned company brings them benefits in exchange for reassurances that they wont interfere as much in imperial matters. These are the rights and duties:
  1. The company acquires an official banner. All the heraldic styles are acceptable, from thorakitai geometrical symbols to kosinbian pyrography. Once registered, this banner becomes exclusive.
  2. Access to the auctions of the imperial war treasury. The latter has many items conquered during centuries, from symbolic weapons to enchanted armor. Imperial campaigns usually acquire funds through the selling of these items to the nobility. Company's members also have this privilege.
  3. They might acquire senate's charts which authorize them to establish northern colonies in other lands, provided that the latter aren't claimed by any nation recognized by the empire.
  4. A castellan which serves as an intermediary between the adventurers and the empire. He also can transmit messages, negotiate with local authorities, acquire information, solve trivial matters, be a judicial representative of the company etc. Basically, he is a competent handyman for the company as well as an imperial agent which can superintend it.
  5. In exchange of these rights, the adventurers must choose between two taxes: pay 10% of what they acquire to the empire, or to perform certain quests for the latter's, chosen by the castellan: hunt army deserters; exterminate orcoid infestations; investigate smugglers; perform punitive expeditions due to barbarian attacks; fight anything which threatens peace and order. All this keeps the company busy with missions compatible to the empire's interests.

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