quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2018

Suplementos Gratuitos para D&D5E


Aqui vão algumas dicas de suplementos gratuitos ou "pague o quanto puder" disponíveis na internet, todos em inglês.

101 Curses For Magic Items
Esse é para quem precisa de ideias para criar equipamentos amaldiçoados, com diversas tabelas e uma lista de exemplos no final.

Como usar em Atma: nada de especial aqui, use da mesma forma que em qualquer outro cenário.

A Going Concern

Os seus jogadores querem investir em uma forja? Comprar negócios? As regras no DMG não lhe satisfazem? Use isso aqui. Aborda questões como investimentos, tipos de negócios, possíveis eventos aleatórios e mais. O material é bastante detalhado e deve resolver muitos problemas para grupos se dedicando a esse tipo de "downtime activity".

Como usar em Atma: nada de especial aqui, use da mesma forma que em qualquer outro cenário.

Um material para criar veículos voadores. Como o próprio autor indica, é um meio dos jogadores gastarem o seu excesso de ouro. Também é ótimo para quem está fazendo uma campanha baseada em Final Fantasy. Inclui vários tamanhos e componentes. Uma falha nesse suplemento é que ele possui apenas um exemplo de airship, no caso um veículo pequeno. Não fica claro quantos PVs airships maiores deveriam ter. Também falta sugestões claras do quanto as airships deveriam custar. Duas possíveis maneiras de resolver isso são: usar as regras lidando com objetos no DMG, pg. 246, que basicamente trata a durabilidade de tais objetos de maneira mais abstrata e controlada pelo mestre; ou usar os navios do Expanded Sailing como base, talvez multiplicando o custo por cinco ou dez. Aliás, a impressão que fica é que combinados, os dois suplementos ficariam ótimos.

Como usar em Atma: o Triunvirato de Abalm conta com "naves-de-ley", que são veículos voadores capazes de viajar pela malha de ley e até ascender ao espaço. Esta nação tecnomágica também possui recursos financeiros e o conhecimento para produzir airships dos mais diversos tamanhos e tipos. Além deles, os extintos lemurianos construíram veículos voadores colossais; o reino de Vilraj, liderado pelo casal faraônico que são os dois últimos lemurianos, possui desde bigas voadoras até pirâmides que se revelam como grandes octágonos de pedra voadores! Também pode ser útil para quem deseja acabar com a ameaça dos Asas Nefastas, talvez usando um veículo projetado e construído pelo barão Caleb Culver.

Uma lista de armas e armaduras representando um período antigo correspondente à Era do Bronze ou Era do Ferro da vida real. Perfeito para quem deseja fazer uma fantasia à grega.

Como usar em Atma: talvez lhe interesse saber que o cenário não sofre de "estase medieval", tendo ciclos antigos onde o aço era desconhecido. Inclusive temos o Império Amaranto e seus golens, equivalente a um Império Romano ou Selêucida da vida real. Esses equipamentos também podem ser encontrados entre tribos mais rústicas ou nômades de goblinoides.

Uma classe que vai do nível um ao vinte, focada em integrar implantes e próteses tecnomágicas ao próprio corpo, tornando-se um meio-golem ou ciborgue. A variedade de implantes (34) garante um bom grau de personalização. É uma classe híbrida, contando com habilidades físicas e capaz de lançar magias.

Como usar em Atma: existem muitos abalmianos que possuem implantes artificiais em seus corpos. Abalm conta até com uma subcultura cuja ideologia é transcender os limites da carne usando tecnomagia.

Balasar's Guide to Exploration

Um grande compêndio com raças, subclasses, classes, backgrounds, talentos, armadilhas mágicas, magias, regras variantes e mais. Tanto jogadores quanto mestres provavelmente encontrarão algo útil aqui.

Como usar em Atma: nada de especial aqui, use da mesma forma que em qualquer outro cenário.

Big Book of Zombies, the
Book of the Dead, The

Você gosta de necromancia mas está desapontado com o necromante oficial? Quer novas regras, uma classe completa, novos mortos-vivos, variantes, itens, doenças e mais? Então cheque esses materiais.

Como usar em Atma: Seja por conta própria ou como um neftuliano enfrentando Technogestalt, não faltam necromantes e mortos-vivos em Ghara.

Broderick’s Compendium of Fantasy Plants

Uma lista enorme de plantas fantásticas, um total de 179 páginas. Cada planta têm um uso, seja para o mestre ou o jogador.
Como usar em Atma: nada de especial aqui, use da mesma forma que em qualquer outro cenário.

Cinco páginas detalhando três tipos de "armas de fogo" que podem disparar ácido, gelo e outros projéteis mágicos, de acordo com o tipo de gema incrustado na arma. Inclui aprimoramentos. Bastante adequado para Eberron.

Como usar em Atma: em um mundo onde existem armas de fogo mundanas, é uma questão de tempo até alguém, provavelmente de Abalm, desenvolver um equivalente encantado.

Uma enorme lista dos mais variados guerreiros e soldados que exércitos podem ter, desde o aldeão humano ao campeão dracônico. A ideia é mostrar como um grupo ou exército de NPCs devidamente equipados e treinados podem ser uma ameaça séria aos jogadores. Os NPCs mostrados também podem ser contratados pelos PCs para, por exemplo, guarnecer a sua base de operações ou formar um exército aliado.

Como usar em Atma: nós temos o exército imperial, baronatos, legiões imperiais, fadas, Neftul e outras tantas facções que poderiam usar do suplemento. Certos grupos e raças, como os gnomos, não existem em Ghara oficialmente, mas a palavra final é do mestre, é claro. Os nossos orcs são diferentes do padrão de D&D, mas os orcs do suplemento podem ser usados na forma de hobgoblins ou certas tribos bárbaras.

Para combates entre grandes exércitos, adaptando as regras de D&D em uma espécie de wargame ocasional onde os heróis ainda podem ter uma participação decisiva. Pessoalmente, eu achei as regras com um bom equilíbrio entre complexidade, personalização e realismo, mas acho que vai depender muito do gosto de cada um.

Como usar em Atma: exércitos e guerras não faltam no planeta Ghara. O próprio Império do Norte teve a grande Guerra das Revanches há alguns anos, e um futuro conflito com os lordes dragões de Drakhazin parece inevitável.

Simplesmente um homebrew para adquirir e usar tatuagens mágicas. Carece de testagem e reviews, então use por sua própria conta e risco. Dito isso, qualquer contra medida mágica deve ser eficaz em lidar com o que são na prática magias.

Como usar em Atma: bárbaros de todos os tipos, PCs ou NPCs, podem se beneficiar dessas tatuagens. Os sacerdotes de Devinci, deus do conhecimento, possuem cálamos mágicos que poderiam inscrever tatuagens em alguém. Também pode-se trocar "tatuagens" por "escarificações" para fazer personagens vindos de Kosinbia.

Quer combate naval? Canhões? Opções de navios? Aperfeiçoamentos pros mesmos? Está tudo aqui. 

Como usar em Atma: como não usar? Torne-se membro de uma companhia sancionada, financie uma expedição em Viellvier, encomende uma caravela a um estaleiro e vá fundar uma colônia nas margens do Rio de Fogo! Três meses e uma colônia arruinada depois, vire um pirata ou vá atrás dos piratas que arruinaram a colônia.

Dois suplementos para detalhar e tornar mais interessante a viagem por terras distantes e selvagens. Incluem regras básicas e avançadas, assim como regras para diversos tipos de ambientes, climas e perigos ambientais. Especialmente relevante para personagens rangers. O "Fulvano's Guide" é particularmente interessante para quem deseja controlar o consumo e obtenção de comida e água do grupo.

Como usar em Atma: desde o deserto khejali às altitudes geladas de Hamask Barbagia, todos os ambientes descritos existem no planeta Ghara.

Flintlock Firearms for 5E

Regras para armas de fogo do tipo "flintlock" (fecho de pederneira). Oito armas, regras detalhadas, custo etc, tudo o que falta no DMG.

Como usar em Atma: talvez você queira armas de fogo um pouco mais realistas do que as opções no nosso guia de equipamento. Então aqui está uma opção que pode lhe ser mais satisfatória.

Os jogadores querem criar uma base de operações? Aqui está. Seja uma guilda em uma metrópole ou um forte nas fronteiras, esse suplemento têm regras para criar, manter, ocupar e melhorar estruturas diversas. Bastante detalhado mas não exagera nas regras.

Como usar em Atma: além dos usos óbvios, isso poderia ser usado para definir uma nova colônia nortenha fundada pelos heróis, por exemplo, usando um "outpost" com "chapel", "water docks" e "mill".

Lands, Lords, and Ladies

Um guia detalhado sobre feudalismo e como usá-lo em D&D. Ótimo para quem deseja realizar  campanhas de intriga política e conceder feudos aos seus jogadores.

Como usar em Atma: então você deseja tornar-se um barão, ou talvez um conde, fazer parte da aristocracia nortenha? Esse pode ser o desafio mais arriscado que você já teve, e violência nem sempre servirá como solução... Mas se você conseguir, virão diversos poderes, ganhos, deveres e obstáculos. Manter o título pode ser mais difícil do que adquiri-lo.

Lovecraftian BestiaryLovecraftian Bestiary vol. 2

Um total de oito monstros lovecraftianos. Não apenas para enfrentar, mas talvez possa-se negociar com alguns deles...

Como usar em Atma: monstruosidades como essas podem ser encontradas em cantos escuros do mundo, vindas de outros planetas, talvez criadas por alguém. Em particular, o "Color out of Space" poderia ser um tipo de nefilim.

Esses suplementos trazem itens, monstros e arquétipos no estilo "magitech", bem adequados a quem quiser fazer uma campanha em Eberron.

Como usar em Atma: tudo isso pode ser justificado pela existência de Abalm. Os itens vieram de lá, os arquétipos correspondem a aventureiros abalmianos e os construtos foram criados lá. Exceto o "cadaver collector", ele parece algo vindo de Neftul.

Noble Art of Jousting, The

Tudo o que você precisa para realizar um torneio de justas, seja como uma mini-aventura ou parte de uma campanha.

Como usar em Atma: é em torneios assim que as ordens de cavalaria decidem quem terá a glória e dever de fazer parte das legiões imperiais, a elite da cavalaria nortenha.

Plane Shift: Amonkhet
Plane Shift: Dominaria
Plane Shift: Innistrad
Plane Shift: Kaladesh
Plane Shift: Zendikar

Esses suplementos trazem planos de MtG, mostrando como adaptá-los para 5E. Também incluem novas raças.

Como usar em Atma: Amonkhet poderia ser usado como uma base para Vilraj, o reino faraônico dominado pelos dois últimos lemurianos. Zendikar poderia ser adaptado como os arredores das Terras Inquietas, com os Eldrazi como nefilins. Muito do que tem em Kaladesh se aplica a Abalm. Innistrad poderia ser um ducado imperial particularmente problemático. O cenário Atma não tem planos, mas tem planetas, e Dominaria poderia ser um deles.

Esse suplemento traz uma enorme cidade-estado chamada Mirrorrim, construída entre o deserto e o mar, sobre um "megadungeon" que as pessoas são proibidas de entrar. Inclui um mapa, raças próprias e outros detalhes. É interessante, deixando uma vontade de querer ver mais do que parece ser um futuro cenário.

Como usar em Atma: Mirrorrim poderia facilmente ser a sede do sultanato de um gênio de Khejal. As raças exóticas poderiam ser as suas criações ou simplesmente raças locais, bastando inventar alguns nomes. O "megadungeon" poderia ser uma ruína do maldito Dajjal que o gênio está encarregado de guardar.

Um total de dez raças exóticas e criativas para trazer mais variedade e tempero ao seu mundo. 

Como usar em Atma: talvez os nossos umóks e lilins não tenham sido suficientes para o seu gosto. O mundo de Ghara ainda têm áreas desconhecidas e inexploradas onde podem haver raças estranhas.

Swarm of Humans!

Aqui temos fichas de "batalhões" (tradução livre) de soldados, que em regras funcionam como uma espécie de "swarm". Isso permite escaramuças e batalhas pequenas sem o uso de regras novas.

Como usar em Atma: talvez os PCs consigam se tornar comandantes de milícias, ou recrutar reforços para combates importantes. Também é possível que sejam atacados pelas forças locais devido a algo que fizeram de errado. 

Esse suplemento vai poupar trabalho para o mestre querendo colocar um comerciante no caminho dos jogadores. Têm desde o vendedor de sementes até a fada que faz barganhas bizarras, tudo com tabelas extensas e detalhadas.

Como usar em Atma: seja na avenida imperial ou em Sogdia, não faltam mercados ou becos escuros onde pode-se encontrar esses mercantes.

TWC1 The Maztica Campaign Guide

O primeiro em uma série de suplementos dedicados a expandir e detalhar Maztica, uma região neglicenciada dos Reinos Esquecidos, baseada na cultura e mitologia mesoamericana, como os astecas. A página acima inclui os links para os demais suplementos, todos disponíveis de graça. O material total é muito rico, suficiente para ser um cenário próprio.

Como usar em Atma: ao oeste de Vilraj, ou no extremo sul de Sarba, existem regiões desconhecidas que poderiam acomodar as civilizações, raças e monstros de Maztica.

Ulther's Guide to Adventuring Gear

Aqui temos novas descrições e regras para os diversos itens encontrados no PH, assim como alguns itens novos, por exemplo a bomba de fumaça.

Como usar em Atma: nada de especial aqui, use da mesma forma que em qualquer outro cenário.

Ulther's Compendium of Poisons

Eu já vi várias pessoas insatisfeitas com os venenos do material oficial. Esse suplemento resolve o problema. Regras detalhadas para muitos venenos diferentes, sejam eles colhidos de plantas ou alquimias complexas.

Como usar em Atma: nada de especial aqui, use da mesma forma que em qualquer outro cenário.

Uma tradição de monge baseada na manipulação do fogo, perfeita para quem gostou dos dobradores de fogo de Avatar: a Lenda de Aang. 

Como usar em Atma: um monge assim poderia ser um piromante vindo de Kosinbia, usando a arte marcial engolo (um provável predecessor da capoeira) da vida real como base para os seus movimentos.

quarta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2018

Culver Barony

I can estimate if I'll be able the imperial weapon quotas by the noise coming from the wall every day, but I have to use deaf guards because a enraged bull wouldn't be heard through the hammering of my loyal dwarf craftsmen.
-Baron Culver. Every day, his barony swallows several hundred ingots of iron and bronze to produce lamellae, helmets, blades, cannons etc, besides the exotic weaponry that the baron can dream of.

The baron Caleb Culver is an eccentric and genius inventor serving the emperor. He's responsible by the design of the Palatine Walls, arming the Palatine Bears, keeping an arsenal for the capital, as well as several innovations, tools and weapons. The barony occupies an area west of the capital Noster Amaranthi, providing an extra layer to the considerable urban defenses. Culver also commands several forts and towers in the rivers which reach hte Great Lake, covering strategic points. 

The several burn scars in the baron's body attest to his inventivity and taste for gunpowder. Sanctioned company's adventurers are frequently charged with testing machines, tools and weapons developed by Culver: some fail, other don't. Sanctioned companies also have the right to buy exotic weaponry from here, incorporating materials and parts from Kosinbia, Groria or even Scarnost.


The hydromechanical power plant is Culver's pride: the second largest and most complex machine ever built in the Northern Empire (only behind Antikythera), providing energy through networks of wooden rods to two hundred and fifty pumps, workshops, forges, sawmills and hydraulic hammers. Fourteen water wheels which not only provide power, but also feed an aqueduct of Noster Amaranthi. If necessary, the plant can pump a million gallons of water in twenty four hours, making a deafening noise in the process. Sixty workers and an equal number of soldiers ensure its maintenance and security. The baron's castle is actually such a complex and productive factory that it also became a temple of the god of work, Ourgos. Many priests and clerics are in Culver's payroll, producing blessed craftwork, from nails to forges whose temperature is ideal and never changes.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Vintage_image_of_steam_train.jpgThe barony also houses a scarnostian enclave, where engineers keep the starter terminal of the ironhorses which go through the imperial railway: steam locomotives imported from Scarnost. A expensive and unique technology. The enclave has workshops to fabricate spare parts, geisthane guards in mechnical armor and even pneumatic cannons to portect Technogestalt's secret technologies. Only imperial messengers, northern soldiers, important clerks and sanctioned companies are allowed to embark one of the trains. The enclave's leader is also the scarnostian ambassador.
Culver's greatest frustration is being unable to create a steam engine capable of moving the imperial trains. In the process, he realized the limits of manual craftsmanship, even if done by dwarfs, and believes that he would need scarnostian tools such as drills and lathes to reach his objective. The problem is that, not only such machines would have to be smuggled from Scarnost, they would also create a serious diplomatic incident with Technogestalt and the analogical computer which leads it, Tecnogeist.

Imperial Palace

Image taken from here.

The Imperial Palace rises up the heavens as if to challenge them. At dawn and dusk, its shadow extends far beyond the capital's walls. A monumental tower a hundred and sixty meters tall and entirely covered in white marble, fifteen years and tens of thousands of workers were necessary to build it. Nothing was imported, all the materials used came from the empire.The Imperial Palace and its physical integrity are a symbol of the power, resources and longevity of the Union of Imperial Duchies, therefore, not a single crack was admitted on its construction. For defense, every floor has between four and eight cannons. Bartizans with rifled swivel guns in the uneven floors are used against aerial threats. The magical defenses include counter-scrying extended to the whole palace, except in a single floor. Besides, there are two seers dedicated to foresee threats which specifically target the tower. The bricks used on its construction were manufactured and individually blessed by priests of Ourgos so that they were highly resistant, also blocking the entrance of spirits and intangible creatures. War wizards used many alchemical and magical effects to test the defenses on each floor. The public archives register that in a certain moment, a meteor was invoked to hit the palace. Upon colliding, it broke in pieces, but the walls remained. Adventurers were hired to infiltrate the tower, but none went as far as the 17º floor.

The palace was built on top of a hill covered with twelve levels of octagonal terraces. The uppermost terrace houses the headquarters of the Guardians of the Boreal Crown Order, the emperor's personal guard. Their jurisdiction is the whole palace and the hill, up to the marks in the octagonal corners: the arcades of Cippis, the Fair. Only they may carry weapons and ride animals in this area. The elevated podiums spread throughout the terraces may be used by any citizen for speeches, lessons, meetings, picnics and other social activities.

The floors are as follows:

The underground has catacombs and exhausted mines older than the empire, from the time that the city was a city-state among many. Nowadays, it has dungeons for important prisoners, such as the leaders of the Terra Preta Duchy Rebellion, tombs of old emperors and senators. It also has a well and exclusive cisterns. The headquarters of the Sicarcani is here, from where the Spymaster Clovis commands them. 

1° floor: hall of public announcements and ceremonies. The northern wall has a relief composed by a mosaic combining colorful porcelain, several granites, shells and amethysts, forming the empire's map. The lineage of the mistress Aglade Tiennelle, creator of the mosaic, is in charge of keeping the map up to date. This is the only area open to the public and, when the emperor goes to his private chambers, the Boreal Crown is shown in a dome of sapglass. However, it is said that it is only a copy. The ground floor is surrounded by thirteen adamantine pilasters housing altars, each one dedicated to a specific pantheon's god and shining in the deity's respective month. Between the pilasters, flying buttresses sustain the bells which ring the end of a month and the beginning of another.

2º to 15º: the senate's hall and the senator's apartments. High panes of glass ensures the hall is illuminated by Diveus' light. Despite being a place where even dukes show a certain humility, the senators are surprinsigly open to talk with the rabble, showing looks which calculate the strengths and weaknesses of every individual. The lives of millions are decided in discussions that might show immaculate rhetoric as well as gross profanities.

16º: arsenal. Here lies an excellent inventory of weapons and armor of every type, from slings to cannonballs, from daggers to bardiches, from gambesons to full plates; It is said that the equipment includes even mechanical arms and armor from Scarnost.

17º: The public archives don't say what is here. Although one may count all the floors from the outside, the stairs and elevators (moved by windmills at the top of the palace) go from the 16º straight to the 18º. Whoever passes through here, feels an unpleasant angst which no one wishes to feel again.

18º: here lie the magic mirrors with which the emperor and the senators keep instant communication with the duchies. About two hundred mirrors, each two meters tall and one meter wide, show faraway landscapes, almost like windows or portals. Through them, bureaucrats and nobles separated by thousands of kilometers exchange information and keep the empire united.

19º e 20º: imperial war treasury. Whoever enters here faces four golems in perpetual guard. Behind them, lies an iron gate which asks for the password to whoever approaches, punishing invaders with deafening screeches and flames. The treasury consists of war spoils, like magical panoplies, and is used to finance military campaigns. When necessary, clerks of unmatched loyalty remove some items, auctioning them in the first floor to nobles and sanctioned companies.

21º: the whole floor is a great circular hall for formal meetings and feasts. A kitchen at the center uses ingredients from the whole empire and beyond to delight the noses and tastes of the guests, serving wonders such as megatherium ribs tempered with fey pepper and arrow-kiss tongues with mint. They also always prepare the emperor's favorite dish, potato with fried onions.

22º ao 26º:administrative and bureaucratic areas, as well as the most secret imperial registers: censuses, prophecies, banished biographies and people whose names were erased from imperial history. The smell of old paper permeates the floors. Due to the amount of files, any fire would be catastrophic. To avoid this, these floors used giant pirilampos as a light source.

27º: the ministerial offices; Primary Ministry, Defense, External Affairs, Internal Affairs, Agriculture, Commerce and Knowledge. These men and women act as great inspectors, checking the empire's conditions, preparing precise reports to the senate and emperor and then ratifying their decisions. 

28º: hall of the imperial throne. Where the audiences with the emperor happen. The throne is made of iron with silver inlays. The walls have alcoves housing altars with the effigies of past emperors. These are made by every emperor or empress upon assuming the crown and removed from the latter after they fulfill the cycle of occupying the many sockets on it until they new effigies are put. This way, the souls of past emperors can see the current affairs and even opine when invoked through the crown effigies. Demonstrating its magnanimity, the crown allows that any imperial citizen watch the audiences, if he registers his presence in advance. In practice, it is very hard to acquire a place.

29º: private chambers of the emperor, Basileus Quatre Palatini and his family: the wife, Diva Palatini; the son, Vasilios Palatini; the daughter in law, Beatrice Divereux Palatini; and the emperor's grandsons.

30º to 35º: the Order of Hippogryph Riders' headquarters. Includes platforms from which they take flight. From here they carry military messages straight to the baronies. From the 35º floor, it is possible to watch over forty kilometers away, see the villages and cultivated fields which sustain Noster Amaranthi, as well as the regular explosions in the Culver Barony.

Ashbel Necropolis

"We bones that here are, for yours await." - The new municipal motto

     The Feird Region is still recovering from the devastation brought by the Retaliations War. The goblinoid hordes were mostly incapable of taking big cities, but the wasting of the fields brought hunger in the following years. The whole region still depends of foodstuffs coming from Sycamore and Ametis.
     The Ashbel metropolis, in the empire's south, was thoroughly sacked and declared a "dead city" by the senate. It became the greatest necropolis ever seen in Sarba, quickly filled up with the dead of war. The Carnificius' cult convinced the senate into allowing them to use the railway to transport bones from crowded necropolises throughout the empire to Ashbel. The Duvant barony was created to stop thieves and necromancers from stealing the dead and belongings left by the living. The duvantian guardians are helped by the cult of Carnificius against necromantic threats, patrol the labyrinth of urban ruins, escort peregrines and wonder if Arcantos, Ghara's first lich, might be interested in such a concentration of raw materials. Maganchos secretly help, but they also use the ruins for their own purposes. The Athanatoi Order also helps, as long as it is allowed to recruit undead here.

It is notable that the undead which appear here aren't aggressive, some are even friendly. Carnificius' cult says this reflects the good nature of old Ashbel.
      The necropolis and its surroundings are managed by the Carnificius' cult. Besides mundane problems such as transporting and housing bones in ways that please the dead souls, the region suffers with hauntings at a chronic level:

  1. Many ghosts from when the city was sacked still manifest themselves.
  2. Fel's pockets must be purified before they burst.
  3. Two arachiinferi appear for every one that is banished to hell.
  4. Corpse diggers try to smuggle bones and steal sacrifices to the dead.
     Many of the public slaves brought here to reform the ruins into mortuary shelters were freed only to become part of the death god's cult. Some still resent what they see as "escaping the living to be enslaved by the dead", in the words of Vokk, hanged by trying to reanimate skeletons in the Guilty Avenue, ossuary number seventy. Flesh golem's crews are being used as workers and sources of perpetual motion. They create mausoleums, towers and artistic mosaics, all made out of piled bones and recycled rubble. The former city and its surroundings are almost a necrocracy inside the Northern Empire, managed with considerable autonomy by the cult of the god of the dead.

      The aqueducts were restored to provide a moat around the necropolis, accessible only a properly blessed drawbridge. What remains of the walls are inscribed with explanations and requests in Ispariz, the extinct language which the cult of Carnificius uses to send messages to the dead. The underground tunnel network connecting cellars, sewers and cisterns is labyrinthine. All these measures are to confuse and imprison the local spirits, including the naturally occurring will-o'-the-wisps.

Dukai, the Vile. Due to unpronounceable crimes, he was condemned to death, death, death and prison. This means he was killed, revived, killed, revived, killed and his soul was imprisoned so that it may never reincarnate. The chest which hosts it is kept in a tower here.

sábado, 22 de setembro de 2018

Real Life European Dual Sword Wielding

There are also used now adays, as well in the schools, as in the lists, two Swords or Rapiers, admitted, and approved both of Princes, and of the professors of this art, for honorable and knightly weapons, albeit they be not used in the wars.
-Master Giacomo di Grassi,  His True Arte of Defence (1594)
    According to the manuals written by masters such as de Agrippa, di Grassi and Marozzo, many combinations were used: sword and dagger, sword and gauntlet, dagger and cloak etc. Some weapons were even developed to be used with a sword. For example:

  • Sword-Breaker Dagger
1024px-Historische Waffensammlung Urschitz - Diver by BrunoKopte

    It has deep serrations where the user seeks to trap the adversary's blade, stopping him from using it, disarming him and, through luck or skill, break the blade. It has a similar purpose to the japanese sai used by characters such as Raphael from the Ninja Turtles. But one can simply see the weapon to perceive its purpose. If we want to surprise the enemy, how about...

  • Trident Dagger
Left hand dagger w-spring by BrunoKopte
    It is a deceitful weapon. It seems like a normal dagger, but one must merely push a button to activate a spring mechanism, suddenly exhibiting two extensions that might lock the enemy weapon. Just imagine, you think you were able to pass your blade just beneath the dagger of your opponent, just to hear a click and think: why can't I move my sword? And in this moment of distraction a rapier becomes intimate with your liver.

  • Buckler
708px-Di Grassi 16 by BrunoKopte

    I know what some of you might think: wait. That's a shield, and I couldn't even use it to hit someone in D&D third edition. I answer with something written by di Grassi: "...giving to every man to understand that the Buckler and other weapons (which are said to be weapons only of warding) may also be of striking, as I will declare in his proper place." In reality, the buckler is a small shield which you hold with your hand and in no other way.

    While technically a shield, it is much more mobile, an active protection while other shields are more passive. The I.33 manuscript shows the buckler following and protecting the sword arm; in the style taught by di Grassi, the buckler doesn't wait for the enemy hit, but meets it in the middle, deflecting the future attack before it hits the target. And due to being a light handheld shield, it is excellent to punch someone.
     Di Grassi recommends that it be used with the extended arm, far away from your body so that it blocks your view as little as possible while hiding the most of your body from the enemy's point of view, as seen in the image above. He also recommends bucklers with spikes in the center, to stab when the opportunity comes. How about checking if your GM accepts the rogue using this "weapon"?

Ok, that's nice, but you started the article with a guy talking about two swords. Where are they?

  • Two swords
759px-Di Grassi 20 by BrunoKopte
    Yes, there were europeans which fought like that. These swordsmen were rare because, while handling a sword demands a certain amount of training, dual wielding demands three or four times more: one has to learn with one hand, then train the other until it is as good as the first, and finally learn to use both in a way that one sword doesn't disturb the other.

    The master di Grassi warns that this style should be used only in duels and tourneys, not in wars, because dual swording demands a level of concentration that harms the group coordination which differentiates an army from a bunch of warriors. It seems to me that only a fantastic warrior would be able to dual wield two focuses as well as two swords, be it a player character or a two-headed creature, like a bicephalous ogre which is the general and the army champion at the same time.
     Another precaution is that one must face enemies with little to no armor. A single sword used with both hands has the power and precision necessary to find the joints and weak spots in an armor, be it a full plate or a gambeson. Once again, nothing that will stop someone which faces giant spiders with a sigh.
  So, what's the advantage?

    Everything done with the right hand can be done with the left, specially when it comes to having greater reach than with other secondary weapons. Attack and defense may come from the same hand in alternate moments, confusing the opponent. A swordsman already has difficulties facing a left-handed foe. An enemy with two equal swords is like facing the left-handed and the right-handed at the same time, but you're never sure which one of them will perform the true strike.

    Besides, the extreme difficulty in mastering the handling of two swords ensures that one has a prominent place in any tourney, but no one here is interested in drawing attention and to amaze the local public, right? ;)
Note: in it isn't clear, this article is limited to european practises and techniques. There were similar eastern practises, but I didn't include them because I wouldn't be able to show to same level of current practical reconstruction and historical basis.


Collection of scanned fighting treatises and manuals.
Author of the combat treatise Opera Nova, available in english and italian.
Author of the combat treatise Ragione di adoprar sicuramente l'Arme, available in english and italian.
Practical applications of sword & buckler and dual swording according to Marozzo's treatise, by Phil Marshall e Oliver Barker.
Includes information about the daggers of the "trident" and "swordbreaker" types.
Pages about the I33 manuscript, include an english translation.
Videos about dual wielding.
Scan of the combat treatise of Camilo Agrippa.
Organizations dedicated to the study, practice and restoration of european martial arts.

quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2018

Shardokan, dwarf ethnicity

Some dwarfs descend from an old foreign lineage mixed with mountain tribes, exchanging the underground regions for the high and cold mountains. An ethnicity only three hundred years old, the shardokan are dwarfs yearning to overcome difficulties and always willing to face a good challenge.

The falling snow warms my heart, and glorifies the desolation in these rugged mountains, Sharp cold and mindless beasts. It galls me to hear that dwarfs can’t enjoy beauty. Everybody else runs after the elves, forgetting about all the other ways the world can be beautiful. The white brightness of snow, drops of hot fat from roasted ribs, the hidden tenderness in a dwarfwoman’s hips, all unbeatable beauties.

-Nartazov Yaroslav “Kochul” Streltzy, the great kurskian pioneer which delved into the Hamask Barbagia Range. First of the shardokan, meaning “folk of the keen shards”, leader of the Nartazov clan. Missing.

Brave and Passionate

Shardokan are seen by the thorakitai dwarfs as rustic and even primitives. The shardokan themselves are proud of what they see as a greater "inclination to independence" that their cousins don't have. This is also reflected in the clan's loyalty. While the thorakitai are very communal, shardokan might have individual iniciatives in which sucess has more worth than honour, specially when it comes to protecting family, friends and one's home. At war, shardokan are more aggressive, wielding bardiches instead of spears, defending themselves with grenades instead of shields. Outside combat, they're more reserved regarding strangers. Dry and taciturn in public, Hearty and laughing in private. The shardokan themselves say: "as the heart only beats inside one's chest, the noises of friendship and love beat inside one's home."

Faraway and Icy Origin

Shardokans know how to work with materials uncommon among the most renowned crafters of Ghara: ice and pykrete. As they live in high, cold lands where the ice doesn't melts, they use it for building, creating semi underground halls, cities inside glaciers and even pykrete towers that can resist cannon balls. The shardokan themselves say this born talent comes from their old ancestor lineage: all shardokan descend from the union of old mountain dwarf barbarians and the nomad kurskian clan lead by Nartazov Yaroslav.

Practicality Allied to Difficulties

Above all, the shardokan value the challenges brought by the day-to-day in their habitat. For these dwarfs, difficulties are blessings brought by the gods, specially Corallin, as an opportunity to evolve their own competences, a way of thinking which is correct, up to a point. Shardokan believe that the most apt will be the ones that will carry on one's legacy. Therefore, despite their appreciation in going through difficulties as a way to be tested, it doesn't means that they will purposefully try to solve troubles in the hardest way. A shardokan will not hesitate to use several ways to pass over an obstacle, a healthy mix of stubbornness and resolve. The best way to "kill" a shardokan, as they say themselves, is to give them a comfortable life, calm and far from troubles and precious obstacles that could be used as a way to improve all the aspects of one's life. Due to these traits, these dwarfs like something brought by Yaroslav in the form of an arquebus: gunpowder. More than their cousins, the shardokan like the smell of the "noisy solution" that they say the substance has, and firearm users are common in their clan's garrisons.
Unique Beliefs
Shardokan believe in a second soul that exists apart from the "primary soul" that other cultures believe in, the "name-soul". This is the basis for the importance of the clan: they're all those which share the same surname, and, therefore, the same soul that said surname defines. The name-soul never reincarnates, but stays in the world as long as at least one person is thus named. The name-soul has a power of its own, making that its hosts (and their primary souls) acquire traits of it. That would be the reason that the members of the Kalinin clan insist on haggling under any and all circumstances, or why all the Garka are allergic to pine trees. The "half-dwarfs" in the shardokan epic, The Three Journeys of the Clan, were said to be members of other races that, upon becoming part of the Vainala clan, gained the latter's traits and thus, survived the cold as the non-dwarfs died. Humans in body, but half-dwarfs in soul. And it seems to be a mutual process, for the Vainala are slightly taller than the dwarfs of other clans.

Important Places
  • The Sclaveni Cryopolis is the greatest city in the mountain range, as well as the largest concentration of shardokan in the empire. It is in the Spotted Mountains, thus named due to the contrast between the snow and the plantations of dark cactuses and black lichens. The alpine climate along the year makes ice and pykrete building materials as common as stone, while wood is a luxury for few. The locals think of 0 ºC as mild, and the record of 20 ºC thirty years ago still feeds conversations. The most noteworthy thing in the landscape is a huge glacier, almost broken in two, on the slope of the mountain which shadows the city. Here the locals mine granite, sulfur, coal, ice and the unique material found here, eternal ice, which never melts. This fantastic substance allows the creation of freezers for foodstuffs, production of ice and even ice cream throughout the empire, cooling for the places of nobles and soldiers inside heavy armor. 
  • Buttress of Thorns. A small town with  a few hundred shardokan and a minority of other people, it is located at the south most extreme of the Hamask mountain range. Inside its great walls, almost a kilometer long, live the families of several dozen warriors. These man and women have lived here for years, protecting southern Kavaja from the threats of the Unquiet Lands, a place infested by nefilims. The attacks are rare, but when they happen, the shardokan lead their battle-ready forces towards the fight.
  • Kurskgrad City-States. Few things are more amazing than the tunnel networks and the cities of Kurskgrad, the gigantic dwarf underground civilization in the Drakhazin continent. Each community is built inside a giant geode, grown as if it was a plant by the kurskian geomancers. They also shape the buildings of fluorescent crystal inside, out of stalactites and stalagmites. It is said that Kurskgrad housed the first dwarfs to step in the surface. The truth of it is unknown, but most dwarfs agree and are devoted to spread the fame of the cities throughout the world when they become a topic.
Shardokan Traits
  • Mountain Born: you're acclimated to high altitude and cold climates.
  • Frozen Crafts: the benefits of "stonecunning" also apply to objects and buildings made out of ice, pykrete and eternal ice.
  • Mountaineer Build: your Strength score increases by one.
  • Weapons Training: you are considered proficient in the use of the bardiche.
  • Comrade: as an bonus action, you may move up to your speed toward an allied creature that you can see and has an enemy creature adjacent to it.

terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2018

Golem Amaranto


Esses imensos autômatos eram usados pelo antigo Império Amaranto em operações de cerco e contra monstros poderosos. Moldados em bronze na forma de um legionário, cada golem era animado pelas almas de toda uma centúria de veteranos de guerra, mestres táticos e até capazes de atuar como generais. O interior de cada golem possui icor, uma substância dourada incandescente que gera um grande calor ao seu redor. Ainda podem ser encontrados guardando possíveis fortalezas subterrâneas amarantas (criadas para resistir a dragões) que tenham restado após a queda do Império Amaranto. A Lega Groura também possui vários desses golens, pelo menos um por pólis, guardando as acrópoles grouras. Alguns desses golens são fontes valiosas de informações sobre o passado.

Amaranthine Golem

Huge construct, unaligned

Armor Class 20
Hit Points 230 (20d12 + 100)
 Speed 30 ft.

  30 (+10) 9 (-1) 20 (+5)   10 (+0) 11 (+0) 1 (-5)

Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine weapons
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Saving Throws Dex +4
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages amaranth*
Challenge 17

  • Fire Aura. At the start of each of the golem's turns, each creature within 5 feet of it takes 10 (3d6) fire damage, and flammable objects in the aura that aren't being worn or carried ignite. A creature that touches the golem or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 10 (3d6) fire damage.
  • Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.  
  • Huge Tower Shield. The golem provides three-quarters cover to itself and any allies adjacent to it (included on its CA and dexterity saving throws)
  • Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
  • Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are magical. 
  • Siege Monster. The golem deals double damage to objects and structures. 


  1. Multiattack. The golem makes two flaming spear attacks.
  2. Flaming Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 29 (3d12 + 10) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) fire damage. 
  3. Balista. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 200/800 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (4d12) piercing damage.

*Latim da vida real.

segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2018

Sanctioned Companies

The mission is to use this gold to convince the Theramir tribe to fight their neighbors, the Buramir. They have been sacking imperial villages at Yaros, the empire's west region. You may find some groups of bandits along the way. Perhaps a couple of mercenary bands hired by the locals, they might or might not be a problem. Our messenger also says that the Theramir have been worried about a prophecy involving their neighbors "screaming for the blood of the unfair flying men", please check this out. The seer seems to have become insane after wards.
-Vladus, castellan of the sanctioned company Vanguard of the Braves, currently traveling towards the no man's lands between the empire and Kavaja.
A way for the Northern Empire to deal with adventurers and the problems they bring. Adventurers always were an important and unofficial part of the northern territorial expansion. But they also threatened the status quo in more developed areas, bringing social unrest. Registering an adventuring band as a sanctioned company brings them benefits in exchange for reassurances that they wont interfere as much in imperial matters. These are the rights and duties:
  1. The company acquires an official banner. All the heraldic styles are acceptable, from thorakitai geometrical symbols to kosinbian pyrography. Once registered, this banner becomes exclusive.
  2. Access to the auctions of the imperial war treasury. The latter has many items conquered during centuries, from symbolic weapons to enchanted armor. Imperial campaigns usually acquire funds through the selling of these items to the nobility. Company's members also have this privilege.
  3. They might acquire senate's charts which authorize them to establish northern colonies in other lands, provided that the latter aren't claimed by any nation recognized by the empire.
  4. A castellan which serves as an intermediary between the adventurers and the empire. He also can transmit messages, negotiate with local authorities, acquire information, solve trivial matters, be a judicial representative of the company etc. Basically, he is a competent handyman for the company as well as an imperial agent which can superintend it.
  5. In exchange of these rights, the adventurers must choose between two taxes: pay 10% of what they acquire to the empire, or to perform certain quests for the latter's, chosen by the castellan: hunt army deserters; exterminate orcoid infestations; investigate smugglers; perform punitive expeditions due to barbarian attacks; fight anything which threatens peace and order. All this keeps the company busy with missions compatible to the empire's interests.

domingo, 16 de setembro de 2018

Goblinoids - Goblins and Hobgoblins

Enslaved and oppressed by fallen empires. Classic and eternal enemies of adventurers and civilization in the present. The goblinoids went through a great change after the end of the Retaliations War, changing the perspective of their future.

Makhila Segovax by AlexandreLeoniART
You are a mighty beast, but these people won't be your prey. Barkatu, agur.
-Makhila Segovax, hobgoblin hunter renowned in the empire, among goblinoid tribes, and beyond.

Challenges of the Past

     Hobgoblins and goblins appeared almost at the same time, due to the actions of the great Idura. The first became a physical race after Idura conquered a fairy forest, a feast which awakened a rage into the Royal Ents. The revenge was terrible for some: for many years, children throughout the world were born with traits similar to the newly appeared hobgoblins. The goblins descend from these fusions of mortal and fey.

     The loathing of "civilized" people only increased when the goblinoids were enslaved in great numbers by the Amaranthine Empire. Centuries of oppression fed rebellions helped by an invention originated from the many herds they were forced to take care of: the composite bow, a mixture of wood, horn and sinew which could pierce the armour of their masters. The Northern Empire, which sees itself as successor of the amaranthines, still blames the goblinoids for the destruction of their ancestors. The truth is more complicated, for the old empire had more troubles than the goblinoids rebellions. Guided by the wisest goblinoid ethnicity, the maubor, goblins and hobgoblins carved the former imperial lands into the domains of countless tribes. Centuries of tribal conflict happened since then. The Northern Empire acquired millions of goblinoid slaves, many sold by other goblinoids.

     In 1390 Post-Idura, a foreigner calling himself Lord Pain united them under a single banner, defeating tribes and assimilating them under a mix of army and migration. More than two hundred thousand warriors and their families invaded several regions of the Northern Empire, by land and sea. The following Retaliations War lasted from 1399 to 1402. The name comes from the fact that both sides saw it as an answer: goblinoids wanted to punish those arrogant imperials which repeated the mistakes of their predecessors, imposing an order and civilization which saw the "barbarian people" as inferiors; the Northern Empire considered the war as a revenge against those which had destroyed the glorious Amaranthine Empire. Against all expectations, the war ended on a peace treaty in which most of the slaves throughout the empire were freed. Since then, most of the goblinoids went back to the southern lands, forming cities and tribal confederations, for they learned how strength comes from union. Many settled in areas of the empire while others, mostly former slaves, became imperial citizens. The consequences of such changes still occur in the Goblinoid Lands and the northern fiefs.

Heroes of the Present


     Nowadays, with the migration of huge numbers of goblinoids into the imperial social classes, their presence is as common as many other races in the urban scenery.

     Goblins find it every easy to join the urban labyrinth of the big cities, and one can find them in the rumble of the markets as well as the dark alleys. Some even show talent beyond expectations and conquer greater status, as business owners and even nobles (although, in human cities, goblin nobles are still rare). Most are obsessed with collecting some kind of item: spoons, parts of defeated enemies, pretty rocks etc. Some prefer more abstract things, like stories and friendships. The sought after item usually determines the goblin's profession and attitude. A rogue may simply seek opportunities to gather padlocks, a shoemaker wants to use every possible type of leather for his shoes.

     Hobgoblins don't appreciate the confusion of cities. They seem satisfied with occupying the woods and jungles, devoted to nature, spiritism and ritualism. The oppression that the so called "civilized" people caused them still weighs on their racial soul. But they still found their place as hunters, shepherds, veterinarians and archers, specially in the imperial army. The huge majority of them believes that every individual has a spiritual brother, usually an animal which was born close to the hobgoblin tribe and roughly at the same time. The "animal-brother" is seen as a family member and a guardian: someone which is always watching and reminding one to walk the right path with this new chance.

     Due to all this, of course, the goblinoids wouldn't be different from the other races with which they share ground on Ghara and adventurers aren't unusual. Adventuring parties with goblinoid members, or even entirely formed by goblinoids, have become a more frequent sight. Some even got a certain renown similar to local heroes. It is becoming ever more likely that there are legendary members, like those of other races, decorating the statue rows in the cities.

Goblinoid Traits


     The goblinoids share the following traits:
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
  • Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Stealth Proficiency. All goblinoids are proficient on the Stealth skill.
  • Languages. Goblinoids speak, read and write in Common* and Goblinoid**, using the common alphabet. The goblinoid language has many sharp consonants which often express more through their sounds than their literal meaning.
  • Ethnicities. Next is a brief description of the two most common ethnicities in Ghara: goblins and hobgoblins.

I'm almost giving up on shrinking this huge head and turning it into a shelter for my collection.

- Taliok Manto Negro, greatest bounty hunter of the Northern Empire. He collects specific objects like all goblins, in his case, the heads of fallen enemies. Currently trying to shrink the head of a dragon, payment for services rendered to the Boreal Crown.


Goblin (Ghara)


     Ghara's goblins are eccentric, creative, cunning and independent people. These beings have an easiness to adapt to the most diverse and adverse situations, using little resources. They like to solve problems and often boast of their garish solutions: " what matters is that it was all okay at the end."

     Goblins live squeezed among families of dozens, in an eternal mess. Due to this, they easily become used to rowdy places and even feel affinity with the mess (whether their or of others). As k a goblin to count all the silver of a dragon's hoard and he will do it with the precision of  a genius, even if he might restart many times, just to "be sure".

     It is speculated that this behavior is like a certain "organized insanity" which is adapting to their new life as civilized beings. Whatever the reason, their way of seeing things is often useful, even in a life of adventures, where challenges are put on their way all the time.

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
  • Age. Goblins reach maturity at about twelve years old, and may live up to fifty years.
  • Size. Goblins average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
  • Investigation Proficiency. All goblins are proficient on the Investigation skill.
  • Nimble escape. You can use disengage or hide as a bonus action.
  • Goblin Tinkering. You know how to improvise and believes that not always (almost never) the perfect resources will be available to overcome challenges. Once very short rest you may use objects on sight to improvise a weapon, tool or even protection. Under the GM's discretion, you may use trinkets and other things you carry with you (or your group).
    • When using this ability, choose one: you create a melee weapon which causes 1d6 points of damage, either bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, and has up to one propriety; or a ranged weapon with range 30/60 feet, which causes 1d6 points of either slashing, bludgeoning or piercing damage, up to a single propriety and ten projectiles; or a light armor which gives AC 12 + Dex modifier; or an improvised tool which allows you to apply your proficiency into a single relevant ability check.
    • Any created weapons and armors usually last a single encounter (or one minute) before becoming useless, but could last longer depending on their usage and maintenance. A tool lasts until the end of an encounter, or one minute, or after being used (independent of success or failure int he respective roll)
    • You must search new objects and materials to use this ability again. You may not recycle the same materials.

Hobgoblin (Ghara)

     These beings group themselves in different tribes lead by the most wise and protected by the most brave and capable warriors. The hobgoblins developed their mastery of ranged weapons to such a point that they're as feared as an elf archer hiding on the woods (the elves obviously deny it). True or not, it is clear that there is a rivalry between these races which often end up occupying the same roles in peace and war. Open conflict between both are rare, at least mortal ones.

     Hobgoblins are proud of their ancestors, seeking the wisdom of these spirits which constitute the "racial soul" to solve problems. The only thing which might offend a hobgoblin more than insulting his family (and this includes the animals which which he shares space) is offending his ancestors.
  • Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
  • Age. Hobgoblins age in a similar fashion to humans, reaching maturity by the time they're 16 and living as much as them.
  • Size. Hobgoblins are about the same size as humans, ranging from 5 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Ancestors' Omens. You have the ability to briefly communicate with the ancestral spirits of your race, to ask advice in your journeys. You start by performing a ritual hunt. You decide what you'll hunt, usually depending on where you are (you may try to hunt a beast in the woods, or even a rat in a dungeon). At the end, the hunt's result will provide you with clues about a future event or action.
    • This ability works exactly as a ritual version of the Augury spell (including the cumulative percentage of obtaining a wrong answer). However, it always last 10 minutes and the result for your doubts will come through the results of your hunt. For example, instead of simply receiving the Woe omen, you might have a bad feeling upon focusing about the way the blood drops from the carcass of the fallen animal.
  • Skill Proficiency. You are proficient with the skill Survival.
  • Wildcunning. Whenever you make an Wisdom (animal handling) check related to wild animals, you are considered proficient in the animal handling skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

*Portuguese in real life.
**Basque in real life.