sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2018

Diveus, sun-god and patron of the Northern Empire

800px-Sunrise (big) by BrunoKopte

Through the Great Eye

Righteous and effulgent

Many are cast

Into an empire

-Prophetic epitaph on Iskander's crypt, the prime emperor.
Adopted as the first Imperative of his cult.
 Names and Epithets: Magnuminus, the Unbeaten, Scopo Divinam Juramenta,
Pater Patriae, Tallarxo Magnus, Terminus, the Sublimator.
 Alignment: LN Domains: Light and Protection

70px-Antorcha.svg by BrunoKopte
Symbol: Flaming Scepter.

    Before speaking about the god, one must address the mortal he was. Iskander was the first emperor, elected to expand an agglomerate of people into a grand empire. In five years, he conquered a thousand cities, defeated three hundred tribes and enslaved two million. In the meanwhile, he founded fifty baronies, to defend the twenty new duchies arising from his conquests. And even though the empire kept a constant expansion, it could never repeat Iskander's rate.
    Through him, the dream of the Union of Imperial Duchies was materialized, a beacon erected on the darkness of the previous centuries. His sudden death was a shock and a disgrace, compensated with the construction of a magnificent mausoleum, surmounted with a sculpture crowned with flaming laurels. The peregrinations soon began praying to the personification of loyalty, justice, ambition, power and glory entombed there. To thank for the empire's creation, Iskander was deified, bringing forth Diveus.

Aureus Didius Iulianus (obverse) by BrunoKopte
If thou wishes to abandon my sovereignty, just hide from the sun for the rest of your life.
-Diveus adressing the leader of an uprising.

After incorporating his essence into the statue, he challenged his worshippers towards shaping it into a worthy divine body. Around him, a titanic concavity houses prisms ordered in concentric rings, reflecting the sunlight unto Diveus. It is necessary to walk by the Aorta Way to avoid the extreme heat. The mausoleum, despite already being splendid with its many bright gemstones adorning the white marble, is only the pedestal of the sun-god's body. Those which dare to raise their eyes shall see four gryphons of lapis lazuli, purple marble, olivine basalt and diabase holding up a shield of aluminum gilded with gold and silver, from which Diveus erects himself in his whole resplendent glory: skin of chrome steel plated over the original stone; bones of adamant sustaining it all; a hard visage with an aquiline nose, full beard and hair composed of shining curls in resemblance of a lion.

 Zeus-Serapis Heraklion by BrunoKopte 
The mausoleum was the womb
Iskander the seed
Nourished by our faith
Diveus became

 -Delfaiolita Sybilaris, medusa prophetess of Tallarx.

Each majestic lamellae represents a duchy, each maille ring a barony. Together, form the Armour of Diveus. These plates reflect not light, but the conditions of the region which forged them. For example, the Lamellae of Sycamore cracked during the siege at the Revanche War, and the Ring of the Viedra Barony rusted when it was infested by nefilims. On his back, a stiff, triangular cloak frames the painting of Iskander's greatest feats. Diveus' interior is not any less wonderful, containing a spectacular metabolism. The light he receives is absorbed into geodesic ganglia, and then liquefied into a burning fluid. This divine lymph runs through tungsten solenoid channels until the capillary endings, which focus and mold this divine blood in a laurel crown bright and hot like molten gold.
175px-Gurlitt Constantine column with statue by BrunoKopte                          118px-Gurlitt Arcadius Column by BrunoKopte

A blessing given to certain towns are the huge columns of Diveus,
illuminating public squares, markets and roads at night.
The greatest example is Tallarx, "the city where the sun never sets".

    On front of the mausoleum, there's an obelisk shaped as a sword stuck on the ground. One may climb the steps carved in the blade until staying directly beneath the fist of Diveus. Whoever achieves the right and humbleness to reach it must promote his wishes with grace, respect and tact. After wards, must wait. If the hand remains closed, the sun-god ignores one's desires and questions, and the supplicant must leave before the pair of Vorkai which adorn Diveus' spaulders be set loose. If the deity decides, he will announce it by opening his hand. The downward thumb means that he decided to punish one's audacity, usually with a beam of caustic light. The upward thumb launches a bright beam into the heavens, signaling the world that he agreed with one's will. Finally, generous Diveus may use his forefinger as a beacon, showing the direction one must go to fulfill his wish. This hand is the only part of the statue ever seen moving. If Diveus decides to act beyond Tallarx, he reflects his power through Aetus Divus, or directly controls one of the Vorkai.

Some loathe the sun-god, blind to his majesty. Foolishness. Believing
in Diveus is to have the dawn backing you, blinding the enemy.
-Yauna, champion of Diveus.

800px-Sun pillar5 - NOAA by BrunoKopte
The beam of my light is the empire's backbone. -Second Imperative.

With such qualities, Diveus represents the infallible divine justice, safety, loyalty and power, despite including severity and arrogance. Many of the pilgrims which visit Tallarx seek a sign of the divine justice, be it a sun mark upon the forehead, being blessed with an artifact, or the right to command a Vorkai. This means that Diveus decided that a vengeance is just and the victim gained the rights and means to execute it. The faithful show their devotion with mirrored objects. A knight may polish his armor until it shines, or inlay gemstones, golden fluting, or if humble enough, colored glass. Priests of Diveus usually use gorgets and cheek pieces which resemble their deity's beard.

The first time I withstood the full glory of Diveus? I was being chased by a cyclopic creature, when a great flash dazed me. Next came the sound of a thunder being unsheathed, a scalding wind, soot covering my face. My vision returned after a few hours, only to see a black scar upon the ground. It was all that was left of the beast attacking me. Since then, I believe that this statue is just the shell of his divine core, a catalyst for his essence. Diveus is light and order, leadership and conquest. We believed to be raising a monument for our first and greatest emperor, when we actually fulfilled the prophecy of His ascension. I love Him, I fear Him, I'll do anything for Him.
-Yauna, barbarian king converted in a loyal servant and a champion of Diveus.

The worthy few shall have the honor of being admitted into the Aureocular Atrium, know the words which open the Golden Gate of Nártex and enter the mausoleum-pedestal. Here they shall find the Ventricular Nave, flanked by aisles filled with sleeping Vorkai. At the main chamber, one may offer his tribute to the Tombstone Altar, the union of countless relics around Iskander's sarcophagus. But, as much as rocks, jewels, helmets, amphora and swords may appear to be fused, the will of Diveus suffices to produce an artifact for deserving vassals, such as: the Pyroclastic Siphon, fed by the sun-god's sweat; the chromatic bullets, which burst from the barrel like strident needles of sheer heat; the Refulging Scepter, topped by a corona of revolving sparks which rend and burn.  

I order the Sun.
I am the Sun.
-Third Imperative.

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