terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2018

Nabatu interview

Stranger northener from the west, learn about us to avoid new scars. Nabatu are organized in tribes, one for each fae oasis left from the devastation which made the desert around us. Each tribe is defined by its totem, just as the later defines the color of the skin. The Palm Hair Tribe is brown as the coconut, the Jade Cacaw Tribe a resplendent green, the Shy Chameleon Tribe, who can say? And there is the Sand Shrimp Tribe, the Boiling Honey, the Whip-Scorpion, the Hydra-Centipede, the Crystal Cactus, we're more numerous than you imagine.

Only the deserving may gaze such colors, be they rivals, friends or lovers. So we cover ourselves with fabrics and salts useful against the heat of the desert, such is the cunning of our luck. Some flamboyantly have just a robe and nothing else, quickly discarding it for any fighter with half a sword, for the fascination of your rag serials. So we might be identified, respected and feared, our headdresses are put over veils and hoods, the patterns and materials typical for each oasis.

We fight many things in many ways, so our sacred weapons are hollow rods in which we store dusts, spices and bones with special properties. Staffs, swords, arrows and many other weapons are made of these rods. Our champions have the right to carry many ingredients and to know many mixtures. Our masters are those which do not need of such recipes and can prepare or even to improvise new mixes, even if by accident.

The feeric varieties of roots, herbs, fruits and spices in our oasis are much appreciated by wizards and alchemists, as well as by the bored palates of our feidralin cousins. As the khejali patrol the desert with flying tapestries, the caravans need to hide into mirages. The wasps mounts for our scouts have flat bodies of a metalic hue, laminated legs to slide over the sand, wings propelled by the wind, the greater for speed and the smaller for agility, and wing-sheaths that protect them during sand storms. The caravan itself has warriors mounted on giant crimson solifugae flanking the huge cargo opiliones. The latter are very important because of the orange eggs they bring, very nutritious and juicy. When quartz protuberances on its hind legs friction one another, they generate the static illusions which fool even the noses of the gnolls employed by the sultans.

All these plans and artifices assure the safety of our homes, shaped from sand, salt and sap, almost as beautiful as a newborn being fed. I'm sorry, I miss my home, for my son may already been born, the end of the voyage is so close, the first I do without my wife since we met. If your capture becomes the decisive factor that prevented me from being at her side during labor, I promise my son shall hunt yours, for mine, for his and for your honor.

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